Tuesday 17 November 2015

07. Favourite Youtubers

F A V O U R I T E  Y O U T U B E R S

Helen is a Norfolk based Vlogger, posting fashion and lifestyle. Helen very much has her own style and doesn't commit to the same trends most other bloggers do and that really makes her stand out. Along side her unique and fabulous fashion sense she has a bubbly and friendly personality. Click the photo above to go to her Youtube (images from her Instagram).

I found Brogan's channel when looking through Disney videos, wishing I could go back. She had some really wonderful videos of her journey with a tour group across America and she posts weekly blogs every Monday of what she's been wearing, her travel adventures and just her general life. Brogan never hides how she feels and is so easy to relate to. Watching her channel grow and her reaction is worth it alone.


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