Monday, 19 November 2012

Review: Garnier Intensive 7 Day SOS-Repair Hand Cream

A little while back I had a problem with really dry hands, pardon the details but they were dry and peeling and just overly uncomfortable. This was very unusual for me as I tend to have soft hands with very little problems. I tried a few creams and some Sudocrem to try and clear it but really wanted something with a nicer texture that would work faster. 

I purchased this Garnier Hand Cream in the hopes it would improve them and luckily they did. Although this says 7-days I don't think it works that fast, the improvement was rather slow but I definitely feel this made me more comfortable and hydrated. The scent is non-offensive and not strong at all which is great since I had to use this whilst at work and don't want to smell like a perfume shop. 

Over all I would recommend this product, it was only £3 (reduced to £2 at the moment in Boots). It is value for money and it works, just don't expect miracles. 


  1. Sounds good, my hands are always so dry, love the smell of Shea butter too :) x

  2. I might have to try this! I absolutely love hand creams because they smell lovely!

  3. I need a new handcream so thanks for the rec!

  4. @Celia I love the smell too! Cocoa butter is amazing too I find :)

    @Carly You should give it a go, I'm sure there are more flavours too!

    @Bloomzy No probs chick, hope you're doing well down in London, miss you!

  5. Great review! Sounds like a nice hand cream x
