Tuesday 2 October 2012

Eurogame Expo Neon

Gaming post, I apologise this is a little off topic to my usual posts. This last weekend was the annual EuroGamer Expo at Earl's Court in London. Me and my boyfriend went last year and decided to go again this year. The event itself was a little hectic as usual but there was fun to be had for sure. Last year hosted several big game releases including Skyrim, Battlefield 3, Guild Wars 2 and Demon Souls. Sadly this year the epic releases were few and far between so queueing for half an hour to play was less appealing. 

I did however enjoy the demo of the newest Tomb Raider and loved the look of Tokyo Jungle. As usual there were a good handful of hopeful indie games including one app game named 'The Room' which had me and my friend Gaby concentrating pretty hard hehe. I think the best looking game there was the latest in the Metal Gear Saga, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. 

Here is a fairly photo heavy preview of our day; 

Mountain Dew Xbox 360, a prize in association with the new Halo game.

Metal Gear backing infront of monitors you could play the original games on.

Studio Ghibli game, so cute!

Me infront of the playstation O.

Assassins Creed Liberation poster.

Me & Gaby infront of huge DOA5 banner.

Just me :)

My lovely fella playing GoW Ascension.

My hoard of posters and the like from the expo.


  1. Oh I'm excited for the new Tomb Raider, and Tokyo Jungle looks so interesting. How was the game play?

  2. It was really good actually, me and Gaby both enjoyed these :)

  3. Oh I didn't see you there :(

    I only got to play DOA because the queues for everything where too long.

    I thought the selection was pretty good though, with the wii u, dishonoured, xcom, cod (even though I'm not a fan) resi 6, there was a few more I wanted to play (ni no kuni!) but 2 hour queue for wiiu? no thanks.

  4. I know was hoping I'd see you there! The games were OK but felt a bit underwhelmed after the year before :/
