Thursday, 8 November 2012

Girls On Film

Hey lovelies! Today' post features some beautiful people I go to University with. I love the casual style Uni brings out in people, staying stylish but comfortable. 

Holly likes baggy jumpers to keep out that bitter Winter cold, matched with leggings or jeans and cute Vans flats. 

Diviya is hardly ever without a pair of skinny blue jeans and a cosy scarf. Here she has a pair of laced up brown boots, stripy soft long sleeved top & her statement jeans.

Jordane loves her vintage style, brightening up the class room with floral hair accessories, matching her lovely colourful tattoos. Mixing patterns her spotty dress and leopard print cardigan defying the block colours and simple looks. 

I always feel at home in the studio with my casual but stylish ladies! 

Do you work/study with stylish people? Would love to hear about it!


  1. Very stylish, ladies! I miss being at uni so much! What course do you study at uni? I did fashion so everyone dressed really nice in first year, but we all sort of gave up after the first week! And don't get me started on final year..... ha! as my friend used to say to me "you look like something outta a horror movie!". it was true! i did!! xxx

  2. I study Graphic Design, I've been there for over a year already but love dressing up cause I've always had jobs with uniform so I relish the chance to dress fancy. :)

  3. i love street (or classroom!) style! i love the last outfit the most. i go to school with a few fashionable people i'll sometimes see throughout the hallways, but not quite a lot. i wish i did though!

    lindsey louise
