Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Jordane Roberts Photography

Hello lovelies, here is a little feature post on a wonderful photographer lady, Jordane Roberts. This isn't my usual type of post but I wanted to make more people aware of her amazing talent.

Jordane offers a photography service with a flare; offering make overs & high quality images. Miss Roberts' style is essentially 1950's pin-up style, emphasising the beauty of the female figure with stylish garments, cute props and attractive secluded locations. 

Despite only becoming serious about photography a year ago her photography portfolio has flourished much like her talent, snapping many beautiful ladies in alternative fashions. 

If you're interested in a shoot with Jordane or just want to follow her photography head over to her Facebook fan page 

She also has this amazing 2013 calendar of latex lovelies, if you love something a little alternative and sexy contact her now. 

1 comment:

  1. Those photos are gorgeous! I love the style Good luck to your friend and her career!
